Saturday, June 4, 2011

Entrepreneur Advertising Group (EAG) | Small Business Makeover

You would think a small business advertising and marketing firm wouldn?t need a makeover but sadly, we need it more than most. Ironically, we have been running a brand makeover contest for our audience for several years. Your campaign really caught our attention.

For the past 8 years we have served over 150 small businesses with marketing and advertising services tailored specifically to the small business segment. We?re really good at what we do for our clients. We?re not so good and managing our own business.

Physician heal thyself. That?s the old adage that reminds us we need to focus internally on improving our own business operationally, financially and in all facets; positioning us for future growth.

Why would we make a great candidate? To be honest, we influence literally hundreds of other small and aggressive growth businesses. Justified or not, we?re often a model for what other companies do yet we?re more than willing to acknowledge our own pitfalls and weaknesses.

We?re not just a small business struggling like others. We get small business more than most. Our CEO, Paul Weber, has worked with some of the most prestigious entrepreneurial schools and foundations in the region. He?s been quoted in everything from the Wall Street Journal to local business magazines. Paul, as an educator and a leader, gets the value of consultation and advice.

Paul is also a member of Vistage, the international CEO organization. Again, your success in helping our small business can be a message shared with hundreds of other CEOs around the nation.

We?ve read, Good to Great. We?ve read, E-Myth. We understand the big picture but we can?t get our arms around the specifics as it applies to our business.

How do we grow? When do we add staff? How do we finance growth? Why do we lose some customers? When is the right time to raise prices? When is the culture going in the wrong direction?

When we started one of the first ad agencies to focus on small business 8 years ago our timing couldn?t have been more fortuitous. What a great time to be a small business. But in the most ironic fashion, we are victims of our own success and need help to get to the next level.

Thank you for your consideration.
The staff at EAG and a humble, sometimes reluctant entrepreneur

Address: 2120 Washington

City: Kansas City

State: MO

Zip Code: 64108

Business Phone: 8168420100


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