Email Marketing ? Its not that hard.
Most of you know me as ShoeMoney ? The incredibly handsome and most talented internet/affiliate marketer in the history of the internet. Yes, as you can see I have grown more humble since the launch of my #1 best selling book (sorry I can?t turn it off).
ANYHOW ? the last year I decided to start a new company dedicated to taking a one time website visitor interested in your product or service and turning them into a life long buyer. I am not even going to say the name of the company because I don?t want you to feel like this article is like pressing you to buy my stuff.
I started the new company because I saw there was a HUGE gap between the rinky dink email newsletter services that are very crappy and have horrid deliverability and cheap and the super high end ones like Marketo & Eloqua (which still have crap deliverability) that are priced at tens of thousands of dollars per year. So the market we are going after is really huge and I feel for me a great new venture.
That is how is how I got to where I am at and what I am about to share from working with clients. Its been a year working with clients capturing their one time website visitors and turning them into life long customers. And its taken off like a rocket.
One of the biggest surprises to me is how companies view their email marketing efforts. When we first start to work with them they look at it as a ?fire away? tool when they have some sort of sale or press release. Who wants to read that? Not me. And even if your the company owner probably not you either.
When did companies lose focus of this? Or have they ever really had it?
Many of our clients see up to 25% of their overall sales come through our emails. Why? Because we build relationship with people.
Lets say you have a booth at Affiliate Summit. Getting a booth, staffing, and other misc expenses can add up a lot? but I am not telling you this.
Lets say someone comes up to your booth and asks you about your product. They ask you what makes you different then the other 10 companies at Affiliate Summit with booths. They ask you how you got started, your background, and why you are better than your competition.
Now you have incredible answers for these people right? AND you are probably going to close a huge percentage of them because you have had that one to one interaction with them.
You didn?t just punch them in the face with a sales pamphlet that made them feel violated. You built a real relationship with them that is going to want to make them do business with you. Even if they could get a better deal.
But 1000x more people, as equally qualified as a lead, visit your website every day because they are interested in the product or server that you are offering but there is NO possible way a one time website visitor is going to build any remote connection to you on that visit. Odds are they come back and buy a product or service from your competitor.
But if you capture this lead and then send them value added emails? Just like if they were to come up to your booth then you can guarantee that when the time comes for them to purchase a product or service like you are offering they will buy from you?. and not go back to Google.
Stop delivering intrusive emails to your prospects and give them value. Educate them on the space and your company. Communicate to them everything that you would have if they came up to your booth at a trade show. After all you are getting 1000x more leads then at any trade show. Why not put in place an automated system that continues the relationship after they visited the website?
Your sales will increase drastically. Some of our clients are doing more then 25% of ALL of their sales through our email sequencing.
Your spam complaints will drop, your sales will soar,
your customers will not feel violated.
There is no reason why you can?t get started doing this right away if you have the resources. If you are looking for someone to completely take this off of your companies plate from A-Z then contact us at for a free demo on how we can work together to start rapidly growing your companies sales.
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