The International Business Traveler: Destination LAGOS NIGERIA
Lagos Nigeria, Africa
TOTO ?We?re not in Kansas anymore is the understatement of the century.
When I was planning my business trip to LAGOS NIGERIA, I ask several of my friends from London what to expect. They were worldwide travelers as I, only they had been to Lagos and I hadn?t.
What I expected was the usual veteran cultural do?s and don?ts? some general safety information.. Here are the WHO shots you need to get? Don?t drink the water and don?t do anything incredibly stupid. The, don?t do anything incredibly stupid, being of course, always good practice. Just be sure to know exactly what that is on a per country basis. (Which could bring me to my trip to China?But I won?t talk about Beijing, that will come out in a future article)
I was still getting ?no? truly insightful info?.
However?What I actually did get back was absolutely penetrating blank stares. So my next question was of course what is that supposed to mean. James of London went on to say ? I can?t begin to explain it?you have to experience it?? It is just that different. The more questions I ask, the more they said ?Just go?, and you?ll see what we mean? It?s different.
One last question I had was about some of the violence that I had heard about. Again, I was told that was ?different? also. OK, so how can violence be different????. Which elicited the same reply, we just can?t explain it?so just go!
Arriving at the international airport seemed normal enough at first. But as you proceed to be picked up by your Fortune 100 firm, the heavily armed guards start to bring you into a new sense of reality. No, Kansas is long behind. Yet the people in general are wonderfully warm and friendly.
Our 3 rover convey departed for our Victoria Island compound where there were secure quarters. Each Rover well armed with experienced drivers . And each passenger schooled on emergency procedures as I got in.
Nigeria has incredible natural wealth, yet, more than 80% of the population live on less than several dollars per day. And the everyday people on the street are some of the biggest hearted people?s on the planet. I will never forget them and their giant smiles.
Traffic In Nigeria
Each day during my stay there we would navigate thru the city of 10,000,000 plus with no traffic signs and no traffic lights of any kind. I sincerely gained a new appreciation of a skilled and gifted driver who could take on the world and dodge pot wholes that could lose a pumpkin or such with ease. There was an art form to negotiating this menagerie.
Each day while I was working at our company facilities I was treated like royalty?. Almost to much so. Having grown up on a grain farm in Michigan, I?m not accustom to having everything done for me?nor am I honestly comfortable with it.? However as it was quickly explained to me, this was part of their job and they were very proud of it. To not accept their efforts would be disrespectful and they would think something was wrong or they were being rejected. They would always say, Mister Ralph, this is ours to do so you must let us do it. This was a bit hard for me to deal with, but I respected their culture and position.
From a business point, the Nigerian?s were always respectful and very hard working. They put up with many hard ships from mosquito?s that carry seemingly about every disease on the planet to unstable political situations to poverty to pollution to vipers?. Yes even vipers!!!
How do I know anything about the vipers you may say???
? Well? on one sunny day I ask that we tour the entire business complex and grounds as I often due when I travel to office complexes and manufacturing facilities. The management team at the business complex was concerned, but said they would accommodate my request if I was sure this is what I wanted to do as part of my business overview while I was there.
As we started our tour of the lush tropical grounds, and about 20 yards out onto the grounds of the complex, one of the tour guides stopped our group and stated, ?Today is a good day after all for the tour Mister Ralph, as there are many lizards everywhere?.
Ok, I?ll play along here? Sooooo now that we are out on the grounds away from any immediate shelter, why is that a good thing??.
?Because Mister Ralph, when there are lots of lizards? there are NO VIPERS about? Pushing on with a new sense of urgency I did finish my tour of the entire complex. But I do have to admit there was a bit more spring in my step.
Even with the hardships they face my Nigerian colleagues were always thankful for what they had and looking for ways to make things better. And they were always polite with a genuine smile.
Human Resources in Lagos at our location was unique also. Hiring a person often meant getting the permission of his tribal hierarchy or group leader in addition to the normal hiring process of Fortune 100 firms. Medical screening was obviously much more complex also to get healthy long term employees.
One final experience of anticipation and in trepidation as we prepared at the predawn break to travel to the airport with our 3 armed rover vehicle party thru an area that was often ambushed. Unfortunately this approx. 2 mile segment of our overall route could not be avoided And the area ran thru the middle of dumps that burned constantly creating a smoky haze that didn?t help matters either.
It was ominous at best, and the night darkness didn?t help comfort ones nerves either.
It was the perfect setup if you were a bandit. The area was on a segment of road that was the only way to the airport from our compound?And to make our flight time we needed to pick our timing the best we could all things considered. The rules were clear?you don?t stop for any reason and if for some reason you get attacked, you fight it out and everyone else keeps going forward? No stopping period?What a way to cap off this trip?Yikes. Fortunately our final trip segment was uneventful and we arrived safely in a well secured area at the airport.
A Couple Of Happy Nigerian Children
When my stay had come to an end?. I truly understood that no one could prepare me for the ups and downs? the good and the tragic that I would experience on my business trip to Lagos.
What wonderful people for the vast, vast majority? and what difficult circumstances? Yet I?ll never forget their polite, gentle, and accommodating nature. And? of course their big genuine smiles!
About Ralph Bietz
Ralph L. R. Bietz: PhD / MBA
Executive: Business Ventures, Start-ups & Growing Companies, Consultant, Executive & Management. Coach, Speaker, Author
Award winning executive interviewed and quoted by the Wall Street Journal and noted in the award winning book ?Sweet Success?. Extremely people oriented. Fortune 100, Private Firm, and International experience including living abroad. History of growing business, advancing technology, financial stewardship, and rebuilding businesses. Experience in Consumer Products, Biotech, Fermentation, Natural Products, and Beverage industries. Company Rebuilds & Turnarounds, Grass Root Start-ups, Consulting, and New Business Ventures.
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