Let's build communities! Every region needs a meat-space community like SFKossacks.
We take care of each other in real life.
I urge YOU to take the lead and organize one in your region.
Please tell us about it if you do and we're here for advice.
:: Current Diaries in Planning Mode ::
ALERT!BALTIMORE IS CURRENTLY ORGANIZING DEBATE WATCH PARTIES: See this diary, Next Baltimore Kossack meetup by sreeizzle2012.
To join Maryland Kos send sreeizzle2012 a Kosmail.
NEW GROUPS IN THE PROCESS OF ORGANIZING:These are the groups that have started since * NEW DAY * began. Please Kosmail navajo if you have started a group before that.Portland, Oregon Area: ?Kosmail: Horace Boothroyd III to be included in the group.
Cleveland and Northeast Ohio Area: ?Kosmail: GenXangster
NEW GROUPS LIST:? California Central Valley Kossacks - Organizer: tgypsy
? New England Kossacks - Organizer: Clytemnestra
? Houston Area Kossacks - Organizer: Chrislove
? Kossacks in India - Organizer: chandu
? CenTex Kossacks - Organizer: papa monzano
Current diary: Meet-up Planning Take 1? Central Ohio Kossacks - Organizer: VetGrl
ESTABLISHED GROUPS LIST: (List will grow as we discover them)? SFKossacks Founded by navajo, Formed: May 2, 2005, More than 80 members
? Maryland Kos Founded by timmyc, Formed: Feb 23, 2011, More than 54 members
? New York City Founded by Eddie C, More than 58 members
? Baja Arizona Kossacks Founded by buddabelly, Formed: Feb. 13. 2011, 90 members
? Three Star Kossacks Founded by maryKK, Formed: Apr 8, 2011, 46 members
? Nashville KosKats Founded by ZenTrainer, Formed: Jan 30, 2012, 28 members
? Virginia Kos Founded by JamieG from Md, Formed: May 3, 2011, 67 members
? ?Kos Georgia Founded by pat208, Formed: Feb 13, 2011, 18 members
We are San Francisco Bay Area residents concerned about the fading away of the American Dream. ?Inspired by Van Jones's "Rebuild the Dream" campaign, we organize to bring people together to work toward getting our economy back on track and restore the American Dream.
Wednesday, October 10th
Save Our State Rally
MC: Cindy Chavez ~ Executive Director, Working Partnerships USA
Speakers: Ash Kalra ~ San Jos? City Council, District 2
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Shawn Bagley ~ Regional Director, CA Democratic Party
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jennifer Thomas ~ Vice President, San Jos? Teachers' Association
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Scott Myers-Lipton ~ Sociology Professor, SJSU
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Craig Dunkerley ~ California Clean Money CampaignTIME: 6:00pm to 7:30 PM
LOCATION: San Jos? City Hall Plaza
200 E. Santa Clara Street
San Jos?, CaliforniaORGANIZER: Dream Menders - RSVP at: Dream Menders on Facebook or Eventbrite
Latest Diary: Dream Menders: Save Our State by Glen the Plumber
Join DKos Dream Menders Group founded by Glen the Plumber
Thursday, October 11th
SFKossacks watch the Vice Presidential Debate Party
TIME: 5:00 PM Pacific
LOCATION: Lusty's house
San Jose, Cambrian area (address will be given to RSVPs by Kosmail)ORGANIZER: Lusty - Send a Kosmail to RSVP.
Potluck Style
1. Lusty [Pizza]
2. madhaus
3. Glen the Plumber
4. remembrance and TLO?
5. Edrie [salad]
DailyKos readers who live and/or work in New England
(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont)Saturday, October 13th
New England Meet-Up
TIME: 1:00 - 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Margaritas Mexican Restaurant
775 Lafayette Road
Portsmouth, New HampshireORGANIZERS: Common Sense Mainer and Bill in Portland Maine - Send Common Sense Mainer an email at cuckolds04103@gmail.com to RSVP. (He prefers his email listed.)
Latest diary about this event: New England Kossacks Meet up.
1. Common Sense Mainer
2. Bill in Portland Maine
3. Clytemnestra
4. polisigh
5. Brillig
6. Mik
7. K1
8. K2
9. Simple
10. fennster
11. commonmass
12. GreenMountainBoy02
13. Sadiesue
14. rick deville
15. bouidi08
16. bjedward
17. mayim
18. Debbie in ME
19. Thestral
20. Ed Tracey
21. parsonbeach
22. Mr. parsonbeach
23. vacationland
24. sfbob25. sfbob's friend
26. loreleiHi
27. cailin ard
28. Jim Wilson
29. Angela Quattrano
30. Angela's boyfriend
31. nhox42
32. Anothermassachusettsliberal
33. Jillian
34. knautical knots
35. LindaMaybes:
1. kestrel9000
2. paulitics
3. moody loner
4. mommyp00ka
5. jarbyus
6. DamselleFly
7. BobBlueMass
8. radical simplicity
9. Not the Username I Wanted
10. lurker
11. annieli
12. DowneastDem
13. gracielove
Saturday, October 13th
Houston Area Meet-Up
TIME: 1:00 PM
LOCATION: La Mexicana Restaurant
1018 Fairview Street
MontroseORGANIZER: Chrislove - Send a Kosmail to RSVP.
Latest diary on this event: Houston Area Kossacks: Meet-up scheduled for Saturday, October 13!
1. Chrislove
2. cosette
3. Delilah
4. disconnect the dots
5. GrannyOPhilly
6. GrannyOPhilly husband
7. jkojak67 (maybe)
8. krwheaton
9. Libby Shaw
10. miscanthus11. Mosquito Pilot
12. nomandates
13. OrganizedCrime
14. PDiddie
15. PDiddie wife
16. suesue
17 Texdude50
18. Texdude50 partner
19. txscorp
Saturday, October 13thBaltimore to Washington Area Meet-Up
LOCATION: Union Station
Washington DCORGANIZER: JamieG from Md - Kosmail to RSVP
Latest diary on this event: Virginia Kos, Maryland Kos (and DC Kossacks too)
1. JamieG from Md
2. JamieG from Md's husband
3. Diana in NoVa
4. VexingEyes
5. webgenie
6. JanetT in Md
7. JTinDC
8. sreeizzle2012
9. it really is that important
10. Trs
11. captainlaser
12. billlaurelMD
13. mollyd
14. JR
15. LeoDaLion
16. Hastur
17. ConfusedSkyes
18. cpinva
19. JG in MD
20. Chris Bowers
21. louisev22. mimi
23. agrenadier
24. yellowdog
25. AnswerGuy
26. Malachite
27. randomfacts
28. IndieGuy
29. oxleyMaybes:
Deep Harm
a gilas girl
Something the dog said
Friday, October 19th
SFKossack Red Carpet Rollout for Dave in Northridge
TIME: 1:00 PM
Rincon Center, 101 Spear St., San FranciscoORGANIZER: navajo - Send a Kosmail to RSVP.
1. Dave in Northridge
2. navajo
3. Lorikeet
4. Steveningen
5. jpmassar
6. kimoconnor
7. norm
8. MrNavajo
9. remembrance
10. Glen the Plumber11. Dharmasyd
12. boatsie
13. side pocket
14. FogCityJohn
15. Kamakhya
16. Frugal Granny
17. madhaus (maybe)
18. enhydra lutris
19. Shockwave (maybe)
Monday, October 22nd
DAILY KOS HQ: SFKossacks watch the final Presidential Debate Party
TIME: 5:00 PM Pacific
LOCATION: Daily Kos Office
Berkeley (address will be given to RSVPs by Kosmail)
5 min. walk from Ashby BARTPlan on street parking outside of the very limited parking in the office complex.
ORGANIZERS: Markos and navajo - Send a Kosmail to RSVP.
*HQ Office address emailed or Kosmailed
1. Markos
2. Susan Gardner
3. Kaili Joy Gray
4. Faith Gardner
5. Will Rockafellow
6. Meteor Blades
7. navajo [Green Salad, 4 bottles of wine]
8. citisven* [1-6pk beer]
9. Glen the Plumber* [1 red wine, 1-6pk beer]
10. jotter* [6 wines]
11. kimoconnor* [2 white wines, chips]
12. jpmassar* [brownies]
13. norm*
14. precinct1233*
15. Ebby*
16. lineatus*
17. ceebee7*
18. Dharmasyd*
19. madhaus [4-6pks sodas]
20. [anonymous]* [1 white wine, 1 red wine, 1-6pk beer]
21. [anonymous]* [Guacamole & Chips, Cookies]
22. remembrance* (maybe)
23. paradise50*
24. Jeff in CA*
25. Kamakhya*
26. side pocket* [2-6pks beer, Mushroom appetizer]
27. Mary Rickles*
28. mwk* [1 white wine, 1-6pk beer +dessert]
29. boatsie* [Peligrino & carrots]
30. shanikka* [SpinachArtichoke dip, Spinach Salad]
31. shanikka's DAH32. mber* [+all disposable utensils]
33. Cathie* [2 wines]
34. The Awful Truth*
35. Lorikeet* [Fruit]
36. dksbook* [Spinach Artichoke dip and bread]
37. mr. dksbook*
38. The dksbook's SIL
39. Pluto* (maybe)
40. cooper888* [hand-cut salsa, chips]
41. GotMooned*
42. Raven Brooks*
43. Navi Ganancial*
44. Melissa Foley*
45. means are the ends*
46. Isara*
47. Isara's partner
48. AoT*
49. freewayblogger*
50. Shockwave*
51. Shockwave's guest
52. wiljago*
53. Fe Bongolan*
54. G2geek*
55. justiceputnam* [Crostini, Bruschetta]
56. Kygre* [2 wines]
57. delilah 52*
58. jakedog42* (Maybe)
59. edrie*
60. iVote2004* (Maybe)
Saturday, November 10th
Northern California Central Valley Kossacks Potluck LunchTIME: Noon
LOCATION: Kestrel's home in Sacramento
There will also be a pre-meet up birding adventure at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area.ORGANIZERS: tgypsy and Kestrel - Send tygypsy a Kosmail to RSVP.
1. tygypsy
2. Kestrel
3. Sally Cat
4. Mr. Cat
5. mrsgooLatest diary: CV Kossacks: Post-Election Meet Up
DailyKos readers who live and/or work in New England
(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont)
Sunday, November 11th
New England Kossacks MEET-UPTIME: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
LOCATION: The People's Pub
24 Federal St
Greenfield, MA 01301
(413) 773-0333ORGANIZER: Send Clytemnestra a Kosmail to RSVP.
We will be collecting donations for the Native American Netroots project Okiciyap at this Meet Up.
1. Clytemnestra
2. Remembering JelloMaybes:
1. annieliLatest diary: New England Kossacks - November Meet Up
Send navajo a kosmail if you post a diary about an event so we can update our round-up.
Okay. Floor's open.
Tell us what you are doing on this NEW DAY?
IFE Fireworks 2012 4th Of July emma stone independence day BET Awards 2012 declaration of independence 4th Of July 2012
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