Last summer, as we have for new parents with family members fighting I never thought that I had taken the time nor the inclination to write an article on home schooling the children in a short 10 months. However, because of the techniques that we have from books like "Beyond consequences, logic and control" and "The Connected Child" learned, the seminars, such as we experienced in February 2007 with Juli Alvarado, and the "incredible support and our prayersFamily and friends, has stabilized our family and our house is a haven, rather than a war zone.
Home school my three children is one of the greatest joys and challenges, I doubt it has ever faced. My children are located 9, 7 and 6 and my biggest test in teaching not only for their mental age, but also their emotional time. I'm certainly an expert, that trained at home for only three years, but I hope some tips on how to give to establish a good routinewhile remaining flexible to the demands of teaching a child's development, without the academic content, curriculum, and some decisions we made in our family, that kind of learning seem to offer, many children with special needs thrive.
Let us talk about routines. I think that adoptive parents in the face of extreme behavior is often one of two things. You can either create this structure in the lives of children "that their children were suffocated and stressed, orhave no boundaries and expectations of all who choose to justify any behavior, but never re-training their children in an appropriate way of expression. Neither way is useful if the school and at home it is no where to hide, they are responsible for their education and you have a plan. I found that routine with the flexibility to offer more hope of a house of peace. Let me explain how that looks.
In my house I have two boys who get up early enough and a girl (theyoungest) that is generally a late riser. Instead of dragging Rose out of bed before she is ready, and fighting with her all morning because she hasn?t had enough sleep, I let her sleep in and use the morning to eat breakfast with the boys and focus on them. Often, we will play a game together after breakfast before they even get dressed. ( I try to be up, dressed, and have some quiet time before either of them get up.) Then, they get dressed and brush teeth. If my middle child, Gabriel, is attracted only reluctantly we have to get a timer and see if you can beat. He loves every game and it always works. Is usually at this time rose high and must be stroked, so that the boys play together, but I tend to her and get her breakfast. Once she is dressed to start our "three Rs" with the mother, who jumps back and forth between the three boys, as they do their math worksheets first. Then Ezra, my oldest, his writing, grammar and reading silently while I read with phonetics and the youngesttwo. If I need a little one on one with Rose and Gabriel, Ezra is assigned to read aloud to the child who is not with the mother. The younger guys love and this encourages closeness between brothers, which is nice because they have lived in the same house for a year!
After an hour, these children need exercise and are usually made to jump on the trampoline, or let the kids fight in the house when it's cold or rainy sent. During this time I got some research before you take them totime to read. We first illustrated books on the unit we are doing at the moment (I'll talk more about it later Konos the program that we for all other subjects) and then to a chapter book. The younger boys are still heard not so great, they may play quietly on the floor with car or Polly pockets while reading the book, which is geared toward the elderly. After talking about what we just read, are free to play until lunch. After lunch we make our unityStudies with all three children together. The curriculum covers all Konos science, history, music, art, drama, PE, practical life skills, geography and Bible for the needs of each child. This curriculum is hands-on projects together, and not explore any topic with a variety of means. My kids love this part of the day and learn things I never thought it would be able to learn at such a young age and to discover why they are doing instead of storing the data for aTests. We have science experiments, learn about famous people and moments in the history of action. Dissections take walks in nature and practice playing a positive role or character dolls.
The next part of our time is the time to rest. On most days, it means to play softly in local groups for an hour while mom. Some days the kids really need a nap and stay on their beds with books in the hope that they fall asleep. Rest time is just after a snack, and every other dayWe have 30 minutes of CPU time for each child. (This is fun time, where the children choose to play a game.) Lately I've tried a simple job, kids can do, mostly to himself, while I clean and get dinner started. One thing I've learned that a disaster is for our children's television. For this reason we considered all accept for the occasional movie. Once replaced TV commercial time in the afternoon.
At this time, Dad was almost home, and often takesAfter a brief conversation with his mother. He takes the kids bike, play with them, reading stories, or did they help him with chores, while I have dinner on the table. After dinner, everyone is getting ready for bed and listen to, books on CD, read aloud, like a family, or play a family game for children at bedtime. Rose and Gabriel are in bed almost every night no later than 08:00 clock, and sometimes even earlier. Ezra comes to stay for one hour after time with us toitself.
In general, my children know what to expect from today and that makes a big difference in their attitudes and behaviors. What I just described would be a really good day I have to change too often things are taken into account because you need something a little different. There are some basic principles that constitute the skeleton of our days and not much change. Morning routine, meals, reading, quiet times, and bedtime routines are essential for a successful day. Other Partscan be lengthened; shortened, changed around, or eliminated altogether if need be according to what is going on in our home at the moment. Our day isn?t regimented; it just has a flow to it.
Because we school year ?round, I don?t stress if we have to snuggle on the couch for most of the day a few times a month. Having my kids in the right frame of mind for learning means I know when to push on and I know when to pack up the tough stuff for the day and call it quits. My main goal right now is to teach them to trust me to teach them, character, and work consistently to read. The other things snapped as her brain from the trauma they have experienced falling to heal.
In general, the parents of adopted children, an additional layer of problems on a daily basis, that home schooling is much more challenging. Adopted children need so much of us that home schooling for the problems that seems to relieve often exacerbated by the public school systemthat doesn?t often understand the adopted child as someone who needs an extra dose of understanding. The last thing we want in our human selfishness is to have to deal with all those issues ourselves with no ?break?! I assure you though; the rewards far outweigh the heartaches.
Gabriel was attending a fabulous public school (while still a foster child) with a wonderful teacher, an amazing caseworker, and a staff bending over backwards to help our family. In spite of all this, we were experiencing behavioral problems at home because of the stress school brought into the equation. After six months of home schooling him, these problems are all but gone. We have slowly been weaning him from medications he?s been on since the age of three and still we are seeing progress we never saw until the stress of public school was removed. Not everyone has the option to home school, but we have found it to be the best way to build the relationships in our family that will help our traumatized kids heal.
Update: My kids are older now (12, 9, and but this article is still relevant. I wanted to re-submit it in the hopes it could encourage others.
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