Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why Iowa Shouldn't Vote First Any More (

Brendan Hoffman / Getty Images

Brendan Hoffman / Getty Images

Republican presidential candidate and Texas governor Rick Perry poses for pictures after a campaign meet and greet at The Button Factory restaurant on December 21, 2011 in Muscatine, Iowa.

A week before Iowa?s January 3 caucuses, the outcome of the Republican contest is hard to predict: Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney all stand a chance at winning. But something else already seems clear: Iowa has blown its special claim as the first state to vote in presidential contests.

Iowa?s first-to-vote-status dates to 1972, when a quirk in Democratic Party rules scheduled its caucuses ahead of the New Hampshire primary, which had opened the presidential nominating process since 1920. Republicans followed suit four years later. Iowa?s political establishment quickly found that it enjoyed all the attention and economic activity that came with going first, and enshrined into state law a mandate that Iowa vote at least eight days before any other state.

Iowa seems to have gotten away with this leap to the front of the line in part thanks to its folksy all-American image as a heartland state home to honest, common-sense rural folks. But with every passing decade, Iowa?s electoral character grows more out of step with the reality of the United States. Iowa is an unusually homogenous ? that is, white ? and rural state in an increasingly diverse and urban nation. And it?s long been a custom of presidential politics to see the candidates extol the virtues of expensive farm and ethanol subsidies with precious little economic rationale.

In response, Iowans insist that their state has special virtues that make for sound presidential vetting. The state Republican Party?s website, for instance, boasts that Iowa?s small size, along with the intangible virtue of its people, justifies its exalted position:

Iowans take the caucuses very seriously and respect their position as First in the Nation. Many Iowans meet candidates personally and ask them detailed questions about particular policies. Some presidential candidates have noted that Iowa voters ask some of the most sophisticated and nuanced policy questions they receive while on the campaign trail.

Sounds nice, but that rationale doesn?t withstand much scrutiny. Iowa may take the caucuses seriously, but wouldn?t we expect any other state to do the same? And while Iowa voters sometimes ask great questions, so do voters elsewhere. I?ve also heard Iowa voters ask some really silly and uninformed questions. The idea that geography determines political aptitude is more than a little dubious.

Here?s where the experience of 2012 should be most damning for Iowa?s privileged place. The mythology of the caucuses is based on close personal contact between voters and candidates. In theory, the candidates traverse the state?s plains and cornfields to let voters size them up at close range, to test them and take their measure in coffee shops and meeting halls where people live plain and simple ? and political spin just doesn?t fly.

But the candidates who have spent the most time and effort on the state, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum (who has famously visited each of the state?s 99 counties, the poor man), are reaping precious few rewards in the polls. The caucus frontrunners, by contrast, haven?t really played by Iowa?s rules. Mitt Romney spent most of 2011 avoiding the state. Newt Gingrich campaigned there sporadically until his surge, and even then has showed his respect by leaving at critical moments. Then there?s Ron Paul, who may win the caucuses with a small plurality while peddling a foreign policy message totally unacceptable to most of the state?s Republicans.

So why have these candidates risen to the top? Because the entire Iowa campaign has tracked the national one. Iowa?s procession of frontrunners ? Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Gingrich, Paul ? has roughly mirrored the boom-and-bust pattern found in national polls. It seems unlikely that these fluctuations have been driven by the ?sophisticated and nuanced policy questions? of Iowans. More likely, they reflect the drama of the televised debates and national media events like Herman Cain?s string of female accusers. (Cain, by the way, leapt to first place in the state at a time when he was paying it no visits at all.) What?s the point in having Iowa go first if its voters are simply reacting to the same debate zingers as the rest of the country?

And by the way, remember the Ames straw poll in August? That contest was supposed to tell us important things about the candidates? true strength and appeal in the state, and to winnow the field in ways that would make it stronger. But the straw poll?s victor, Michele Bachmann, promptly tanked, and the candidate whose third-place finish drove him from the field ? Tim Pawlenty ? looks in hindsight like the credible Mitt Romney alternative for whom the party has spent the past six months searching. It?s been six months in which Iowa has played along with the hyping of one candidate after another.

Iowa is a lovely state packed with wonderful, thoughtful and good people. But is this really the picture of an unusually discerning and responsible electorate? And if not, why in the world should Iowa continue to get the first say?


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Super PACs go stealth through first contests (Politico)

Super PACs spending millions of dollars on the brutal ads shaping the GOP presidential primary have taken advantage in the last few weeks of a pair of loopholes that will let them keep their donors secret until after votes are cast in the first four big contests.

Some of these new groups backing Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman wrote short letters this month to the Federal Election Commission requesting a bureaucratic change that lets them delay revealing their funders, while super PACs supporting Rick Santorum and Rick Perry are benefiting from a longstanding, but little-noticed, ruling that exempts their Iowa caucus ads from disclosure requirements.

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The loopholes are the latest development in a campaign that has seen an explosion of unlimited spending that?s difficult to trace. And exploitation of these loopholes likely guarantees that voters won?t find out who?s paying for a majority of primary campaign ads until late on the night of Jan. 31. That?s after polls have closed in states expected to go a long way towards determining the GOP presidential nominee ? the Iowa caucuses and primaries in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida.

The disclosure rules may need to be updated to reflect the rise of super PACs as driving forces in presidential politics, two Democratic FEC commissioners suggested in interviews with POLITICO.

?Super PACs are functioning as the alter-egos of the campaigns, and their activity was clearly not anticipated when the statutes were put in place,? Ellen Weintraub, a Democratic FEC appointee said. The commission, she said ?should reconsider the regulations about caucuses and disclosure, or at least take a hard look at them.?

Fellow Democratic FEC commissioner Cynthia Bauerly said in an email that the recent moves by the super PACs supporting Romney and Huntsman ?highlight the fact that more can be done to ensure that voters have the information they are entitled to in making decisions about federal elections.?

But the FEC, which has become mired in partisan gridlock, is unlikely to make any changes in time to affect the 2012 election. The other four commissioners did not respond to interview requests. The commission has already rubber-stamped the disclosure change by the pro-Romney ?Restore Our Future? super PAC, and is expected to do the same with the pro-Gingrich super PAC ?Winning Our Future? and the pro-Huntsman group, ?Our Destiny PAC.?

Rick Tyler, a former Gingrich press secretary who?s now a top adviser to Winning Our Future, said ?It?s ridiculous that we have the ability to raise unlimited money and direct the message of the campaigns when the candidates themselves don?t have this.?

But his group is merely playing by the same rules as other super PACs, he said, explaining ?this is the situation we have, that?s been given to us.?

Winning Our Future, which was established in early December, notified the FEC last week in a one-line memorandum that it ?is changing its filing status ? effective immediately? to one that will allow it to file its first report as late as the end of next month. But Tyler says the group intends to file before the deadline.


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Russian officials rattled by breach at rocket plant (Reuters)

MOSCOW (Reuters) ? Russia's deputy prime minister vowed Thursday to punish "sleepy" security officials after bloggers posted dozens of photos of an apparently unguarded strategic military rocket motor factory near Moscow.

Blogger Lana Sator said she and friends met not a soul, much less any security guards, as they roamed around state rocket-maker Energomash's plant, snapping pictures, on five separate night-time excursions in recent months.

She posted almost 100 pictures of decrepit-looking hardware from inside a rusted engine-fuel testing tower, the plant's control room and even its roof at

Russian media cited a senior space agency official, speaking anonymously, who described the breach as a shock of the same scale as German pilot Mathias Rust's brazen Cessna flight under Soviet radar to land on Red Square in 1987.

"It showed a complete inability to protect anything whatsoever," the official told Izvestia. Space agency Roskosmos declined comment on the incident when reached by Reuters.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the security failure was "unacceptable," warning in a televised meeting with Roskosmos chief Vladimir Popovkin that "sleepy cats" who failed to maintain security at strategic defense sites face punishment.

Rogozin, Moscow's former NATO envoy appointed to oversee the defense and space sectors this month, also criticised Roskosmos for a string of recent botched launches.

"We must take urgent steps to restore order in this sphere," he said, ordering Roskosmos to present a report explaining the underlining causes of the failures by the end of January.

Last week, a Russian communications satellite crashed, adding to a string of humiliating launch failures that marred this year's celebrations of 50 years since Yuri Gagarin's first human space flight.

What was to be post-Soviet Russia's debut interplanetary mission to Mars's moon last month was stuck in orbit.

In August, the crash of an unmanned cargo craft cast doubt over Moscow's ability to guarantee International Space Station operations, while the loss of a $265-million communication satellite hurt its commercial launch record.

Monday, Russia also delayed by 25 days a launch for European satellite giant SES, citing technical glitches.

(Reporting By Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Giles Elgood)


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People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too

People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Dec-2011
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Contact: Anna Mikulak
Association for Psychological Science

For decades, science has suggested that when people make decisions, they tend to ignore logic and go with the gut. But Wim De Neys, a psychological scientist at the University of Toulouse in France, has a new suggestion: Maybe thinking about logic is also intuitive. He writes about this idea in the January issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Psychologists have partly based their conclusions about reasoning and decision-making on questions like this one:

"Bill is 34. He is intelligent, punctual but unimaginative and somewhat lifeless. In school, he was strong in mathematics but weak in social studies and humanities.

Which one of the following statements is most likely?

(a) Bill plays in a rock band for a hobby.

(b) Bill is an accountant and plays in a rock band for a hobby."

Most people will let their stereotypes about accountants rule and pick (b). But, in fact, we have no idea what Bill does for a livinghe could be a politician, a concert pianist, or a drug dealerso it's more likely that only one random possibility, the rock band, is true, than that both (a) and (b) would happen to be true.

This line of research has suggested that people don't use logic when making decisions about the world. But the truth is more complicated, De Neys says. When most people read a question like the one above, there's a sense that something isn't quite right. "That feeling you have, that there's something fishy about the problemwe have a wide range of ways to measure that conflict," De Neys says. For example, he has shown with brain imaging that when people are thinking about this kind of problem, a part of their brain that deals with conflict is active. "They stick to their gut feeling and don't do the logical thing, but they do sense that what they are doing is wrong," De Neys says.

De Neys thinks this sense, that something isn't quite right with the decision you're making, comes from an intuitive sense of logic. Other scientists have found that children start thinking logically very early. In one study, 8-month-old babies were surprised if someone pulled mostly red balls out of a box that contained mostly white balls, proof that babies have an innate sense of probability before they can even talk. It makes sense, De Neys says, that this intuitive sense of logic would stick around in adults.

This research deals with the basics of how we think, but De Neys says it may help explain more complex decision-making. If you want to teach people to make better decisions, he says, "It's important to know which component of the process is faulty." For example, if you want to understand why people are smoking, and you think it's because they don't understand the logicthat smoking killsyou might put a lot of energy into explaining how smoking is bad for them, when the actual problem is addiction. It's a long way from a question about Bill's career to understanding something like why someone decides to get married, for example; but research like this should help," De Neys says.


For more information about this study, please contact: Wim De Neys at

Perspectives on Psychological Science is ranked among the top 10 general psychology journals for impact by the Institute for Scientific Information. It publishes an eclectic mix of thought-provoking articles on the latest important advances in psychology. For a copy of the article "Bias and conflict: A case for logical intuitions" and access to other Perspectives on Psychological Science research findings, please contact Anna Mikulak at 202-293-9300 or

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People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Dec-2011
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Contact: Anna Mikulak
Association for Psychological Science

For decades, science has suggested that when people make decisions, they tend to ignore logic and go with the gut. But Wim De Neys, a psychological scientist at the University of Toulouse in France, has a new suggestion: Maybe thinking about logic is also intuitive. He writes about this idea in the January issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Psychologists have partly based their conclusions about reasoning and decision-making on questions like this one:

"Bill is 34. He is intelligent, punctual but unimaginative and somewhat lifeless. In school, he was strong in mathematics but weak in social studies and humanities.

Which one of the following statements is most likely?

(a) Bill plays in a rock band for a hobby.

(b) Bill is an accountant and plays in a rock band for a hobby."

Most people will let their stereotypes about accountants rule and pick (b). But, in fact, we have no idea what Bill does for a livinghe could be a politician, a concert pianist, or a drug dealerso it's more likely that only one random possibility, the rock band, is true, than that both (a) and (b) would happen to be true.

This line of research has suggested that people don't use logic when making decisions about the world. But the truth is more complicated, De Neys says. When most people read a question like the one above, there's a sense that something isn't quite right. "That feeling you have, that there's something fishy about the problemwe have a wide range of ways to measure that conflict," De Neys says. For example, he has shown with brain imaging that when people are thinking about this kind of problem, a part of their brain that deals with conflict is active. "They stick to their gut feeling and don't do the logical thing, but they do sense that what they are doing is wrong," De Neys says.

De Neys thinks this sense, that something isn't quite right with the decision you're making, comes from an intuitive sense of logic. Other scientists have found that children start thinking logically very early. In one study, 8-month-old babies were surprised if someone pulled mostly red balls out of a box that contained mostly white balls, proof that babies have an innate sense of probability before they can even talk. It makes sense, De Neys says, that this intuitive sense of logic would stick around in adults.

This research deals with the basics of how we think, but De Neys says it may help explain more complex decision-making. If you want to teach people to make better decisions, he says, "It's important to know which component of the process is faulty." For example, if you want to understand why people are smoking, and you think it's because they don't understand the logicthat smoking killsyou might put a lot of energy into explaining how smoking is bad for them, when the actual problem is addiction. It's a long way from a question about Bill's career to understanding something like why someone decides to get married, for example; but research like this should help," De Neys says.


For more information about this study, please contact: Wim De Neys at

Perspectives on Psychological Science is ranked among the top 10 general psychology journals for impact by the Institute for Scientific Information. It publishes an eclectic mix of thought-provoking articles on the latest important advances in psychology. For a copy of the article "Bias and conflict: A case for logical intuitions" and access to other Perspectives on Psychological Science research findings, please contact Anna Mikulak at 202-293-9300 or

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92% Arthur Christmas

Arthur Christmas is a beautiful and fun Christmas movie that is sure to be a holiday classic. The story follows Arthur who is the son of Santa Clause, his brother Steve is a smart but at times inconsiderate role model who is second in command to Santa, and when a little girl has a gift that did not get sent Arthur does everything he can to make sure this girl has a Merry Christmas. The plot of the movie is funny and a great lesson to be told about Christmas and children, and what i learned from this movie if anything is that every child needs to believe in Santa, because there is nothing better than believeing that there is somebody who loves you that whill bring you a present on Christmas day, and the characters of the film were good but i found the characters to be a little selfish at times besides Arthur who was a incredibly kind and good charcater and he saved the film in a way from being just a bunch of selfish men wanting to be a star. The voice cast was great, James McAvoy was perfect for the character, Hugh Laurie was also was a well done choice as Steve, Jim Broadbent was good as the voice as Santa, and Bill Nighy was also a great choice for his role, what else can I say for voice actors other than I liked them. The animation was incredible, I could really tell they worked hard to make a beautiful Christmas film and it really payed off big time, I loved the beauty in this film. Arthur Christmas had some few problems that kept it from being a perfect Christmas film, but those were minor compared to the things that they got right that made it a great Christmas film and that will make it remembered for years to come.

December 30, 2011


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Customs Union is vitally important for Kyrgyzstan - president

BISHKEK, December 29 (Itar-Tass) ? Membership of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus and the Common Economic Space is vitally important for Kyrgyzstan, President Almazbek Atambayev told a news conference on Thursday.

?No matter who says what, I don?t see so far any other way but membership of the Customs Union,? the president stressed. ?We won?t be allowed any longer to earn on re-exports of goods. Already now big problems emerge on the borders with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Weather we want it or not, but we must join. I have told Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev that when we join, we want a preference for several years,? the president said, stressing that Russia ?is the main strategic partner of Kyrgyzstan?.

Atambayev believes the country must begin producing goods. ?Speculative activity ? it was the period when we earned our living by that. Market owners had good profits. At the same time, the problems of people living around the Dordoi market (one of the biggest in Central Asia), have stayed in place. All these problems were left to us, the state. The owners gained, while the country has stayed with problems,? the president stated.

?I promise that if I am safe and sound, it will be not Atambayev who will begin turning into a dragon, but Kyrgyzstan will begin turning into an ?Asian dragon? because it is a rich country with resources. I believe that we must turn into a small but strong Asian dragon, and we have everything for that,? the president stated.

Atambayev said stability is ?the main thing? for Kyrgyzstan, but warned about efforts to ?rock? it. ?It is not us who need instability, but those who want to see us weak,? the president stressed.

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#nbaontnt and #DH12 was a beast in the east tonight. #Jimmer time in 20 mins. Did I mention the #NBA is back. johnzenes

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Facebook unwelcome in Vietnam, but Zuckerberg OK (AP)

HANOI, Vietnam ? Vietnam may block its citizens from using Facebook, but that didn't stop website founder Mark Zuckerberg from spending his vacation in the communist country.

Zuckerberg spent Christmas Eve in the popular tourist destination Ha Long Bay, local officialTrinh Dang Thanh says.

State-run media say Zuckerberg arrived in Vietnam on Dec. 22.

Zuckerberg spent Christmas Day at an ecolodge in the northern mountain town of Sapa and rode a buffalo, said Le Phuc Thien, deputy manager at Topas Ecolodge.

Zuckerberg, Facebook's 27-year-old CEO, founded the popular social networking site in 2004.

Vietnam's aggressive Internet censors block access to Facebook and other websites, but young Vietnamese easily bypass the restrictions.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) ? Vietnam may block its citizens from using to Facebook, but that didn't stop website founder Mark Zuckerberg from spending his vacation there.

Zuckerberg spent Christmas Eve in the popular tourist destination Ha Long Bay, local officialTrinh Dang Thanh says .

State-run media say Zuckerberg arrived in Vietnam on Dec. 22.

Zuckerberg spent Christmas Day at an ecolodge in the northern mountain town of Sapa and rode a buffalo, said Le Phuc Thien, deputy manager at Topas Ecolodge.

Zuckerberg, Facebook's 27-year-old CEO, founded the popular social networking site in 2004.

Vietnam's aggressive Internet censors block access to Facebook and other websites, but young Vietnamese easily bypass the restrictions.


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Future In Doubt for Without Walls Central Church Property

Published: Monday, December 26, 2011 at 9:48 p.m.
Last Modified: Monday, December 26, 2011 at 9:48 p.m.

LAKELAND | Polk County's largest church sanctuary sits idle, its power turned off and its future uncertain.

Without Walls Central, the 9,000-seat sanctuary in North Lakeland formerly known as Carpenter's Home Church, has not held services since at least August, when Lakeland Electric disconnected electrical service because of missed payments by its owner, Tampa-based Without Walls International Church.

Rev. Randy White, a co-founder of Without Walls International and the ex-husband of its senior pastor, Paula White, told The Ledger in November that the Lakeland property was on the verge of either being sold or going into foreclosure and that an announcement on its future would come soon. White has not responded to several subsequent phone messages.

The status of the sanctuary became even more uncertain last week with reports that Paula White may assume leadership of one of Florida's largest congregations, New Destiny Church in Apopka. The megachurch's leader, Pastor Zachery Tims, died in August. Paula White replaced Randy White as leader of Without Walls International in 2009.

A spokesman for New Destiny Church did not return a call from The Ledger. Church leaders are scheduled to announce Tims' replacement on Jan. 1, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

The First Assembly of God constructed the 9,000-seat sanctuary in North Lakeland in 1985 and began holding services in the renamed Carpenter's Home Church. The church split in 1989 and never again had a congregation large enough to fill the sanctuary.

If services were held at full capacity, the sanctuary would rank among the eight largest churches in Florida, according to a database maintained by the Hartford Institute for Religious Research at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut.

Lakeland Electric discontinued electrical service to the property in August, city spokesman Kevin Cook said. He said Without Walls owed more than $50,000 in unpaid bills at the time. Lakeland Electric applied the church's deposit of $51,180, he said, leaving the owners with a balance of $2,953.79.

Lakeland Fire Marshal Frank Bass posted notices at the property in late September reading, "This structure is unsafe for human occupancy and ordered vacated. This structure must remain vacant and unoccupied until all violations are corrected."

Bass said he posted the order because the lack of power to the sanctuary makes it unsafe for use. Bass said he had heard reports that a small remnant of the church's congregation had continued to meet at the sanctuary, using an emergency generator to power the lights.

Cook said Without Walls owes $84.53 on the building's fire pump account, but the city has not disconnected it because an ordinance requires the sprinkler system to be in working condition in case of a fire.

Without Walls International bought the property for $8 million in 2005, renaming it Without Walls Central. The church has struggled to attract a large congregation, and in 2008, Without Walls International announced that both the Lakeland and Tampa sanctuaries were up for sale.

Later that year, the mortgage holder, California-based Evangelical Christian Credit Union, reportedly began foreclosure proceedings on both properties, claiming the church defaulted on a $1 million line of credit.

Without Walls managed to reach a settlement with the credit union in 2009, thanks to the sale of two parcels to the city of Lakeland for $1.38 million. The city bought the parcels for a stormwater project to improve water quality in nearby Lake Gibson.

The credit union filed a mortgage modification document with the Polk County Clerk of Courts in January. The document listed the original principal amount as slightly more than $4 million and gave a revised loan maturity date of Jan. 1, 2013.

A spokesman for Evangelical Christian Credit Union this week declined to comment on the status of the property, saying the credit union doesn't talk publicly about member institutions. No new foreclosure records have been filed in Polk County.

Without Walls Central had a substantial congregation for a time, though never one nearly large enough to fill the cavernous sanctuary.

Senior pastors Scott and Cindy Thomas drew about 1,500 people for weekly services, according to their spokeswoman, but the couple broke off to form their own church in late 2010, and much of the congregation followed them, according to people familiar with the church.

In February, Randy Coggins stepped in to lead services at the North Lakeland sanctuary, but he departed a few months later to form his own congregation, Bridge of Hope Church.

Without Walls International filed a lawsuit against Coggins in August, claiming he made "derogatory statements and allegations" about Without Walls International from the pulpit of the Lakeland branch and used his position there to lure parishioners to his new church.

The suit, filed with the 10th Judicial Circuit Court in Bartow, sought $15,000 in damages. No court records have been filed since the original suit, and Coggins did not respond to a request for comment about the suit's status.

[ Gary White can be reached at or 863-802-7518. Join his discussion of books at ]


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

94% Hugo

Directed by Martin Scorsese, GK Films, 2011. Starring Asa Butterfield, Chloe Moretz, Christopher Lee, Sacha Baron Cohen and Ben Kingsley. Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family. Question: What gives you purpose and makes you feel like you fit into the world? Well, we all have something, at least we should. Think about it. This is the message at the heart of Hugo and I think a pretty darn good one. It shouldn't matter if you are 12 or 72 years-old, we all need to feel like we belong, someplace where we know we serve a purpose or what's the meaning of it all, really? Yes, it's a pretty deep, philosophical thought for a movie that I thought was geared to kids primarily. However, my kids enjoyed the movie and I hope somewhere deep inside they understood what the movie was trying to convey. The story begins with a boy, an orphan, who lives in a train station in Paris in the 1930's. You find out why he is there with a few flashbacks but really the story revolves around another story line which is revealed much later in the film. The boy's name is Hugo and his adventure is to find his purpose or to make sure his purpose is real, but how he goes about that will remain a mystery in this review. There was a great surprise, well for me at least, as Hugo's story unfolded. I really want to say more but, as usual, don't want to spoil it for you. However, on the whole I found the storytelling to be a bit on the dull side. Not sure what happened with it but Hugo ran slow. Even with the part of the story line I really liked, it didn't suck me in as I think it could have. The movie was in 3D and the beginning was absolutely stunning with its effects. When the adventure part of this story was front and center the 3D was awesome. However, the majority of the movie was more of a drama and the 3D lost its luster; and soon I found it annoying to have to wear the glasses. I am not a huge fan of 3D movies, by the way, so for you fans out there I am positive you will enjoy that part of the movie. On a bright note: The boy who played Hugo was delightful, and he has the bluest eyes I have ever seen on a human being. I almost think they may have been digitally enhanced. Anyway, he did a great job on the whole, even though there were parts where the film-makers showed children behaving more like adults than children, and that happened here. I still think he did a good job as the lead character of a Scorsese film. Most children should enjoy this film and I recommend you take them to see Hugo. For adults, sadly, this was not one of Scorsese greatest films. My favorite part: The discovery of the message in the film. There is this great scene on a Paris bridge with Notre Dame in the background between the 2 children. A great line was spoken by Hugo. A great line! My least favorite: Sacha Baron Cohen, I am afraid to say. His character was too much of a caricature for me. Rating: PG Length: 127 minutes Review: 6 out of 10 For more reviews: or

November 28, 2011


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Van Halen Confirms 2012 Tour Plans (VIDEO)

Van Halen Confirms 2012 Tour Plans (VIDEO)

Van Halen have confirmed 2012 tour plans in a new Christmas video message. The band made their big announcement in a video that was made [...]

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Minister: Spain to fall back into recession (AP)

MADRID ? Spain will slide back into recession early next year with the current quarter and the first of 2012 both registering negative growth, new Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said Monday.

De Guindos said he expects the economy ? the eurozone's fourth largest ? to contract by between 0.2 percent and 0.3 percent on the previous quarter in the final three months of this year and again in the first quarter of next year. He said the outlook for next year was poor.

If the Spanish economy were to contract by between 0.2 percent and 0.3 percent for an entire year, it would shrink roughly 1 percent.

"Let nobody be fooled, the next two quarters are not going to be easy either in terms of growth or employment," de Guindos said.

Spain began to emerge from a near two-year recession last year. It had two successive quarters of growth in 2011 before posting zero growth in the third period.

De Guindos took office last week as part of the new conservative Popular Party government. He said then he was confident the country would emerge from its severe economic crisis and return to prosperity and its former status as a job creator.

Spain has the highest unemployment rate of the 17 countries that use the euro, with 21.5 percent joblessness, and is running a swollen budget deficit following the recession that started with the collapse of a real estate bubble.

The Popular Party won a landslide victory in Nov. 20 elections on a promise to get the economy moving again.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has pledged austerity cuts totaling euro16.5 billion ($21.6 billion) and promised labor reforms.

His government is to begin approving urgent measures Friday, including a freeze on filling new civil service vacancies. except in key areas such as the security forces.

Spain has already made sharp cuts to its national spending and introduced several reforms under the former Socialist government, but the economy has failed to respond.


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Why December 26 is a 'monster' shopping day: 4 theories (The Week)

New York ? The day after Christmas is second only to Black Friday as the year's busiest shopping day ? thanks, in part, to a tendency for people to buy themselves delayed presents

Plan on hitting the mall today? You're not alone. In a recent American Express survey, 57 percent of Americans said they planned to go shopping on December 26, up from 43 percent in 2010. In fact, the day after Christmas is second only to Black Friday as the busiest shopping day of the year. But why are more Americans willing to circle around crowded parking lots than last year??Here, 4 theories:

1. More people are spending on themselves
In the days leading up to Christmas, Americans are consumed with shopping for friends and family. After the 25th, the focus shifts. One out of five shoppers will be cashing in gift cards they got from Santa, says Brad Tuttle at TIME, with many purchasing holiday presents for themselves ? "a continuation of one of the season's hottest trends." What are they buying? TVs and clothing, primarily.

SEE MORE: America's 'booming' Christmas tree business: By the numbers


2. Struggling retailers mean stronger discounts
While sales over Thanksgiving weekend of this year were promising, many stores bit off more inventory than they could chew for the month of December. Retailers like Gap and Ann Taylor, for example, are offering store-wide clearances of more than fifty percent off, looking to unload merchandise. "The inventory is worth so much less in two weeks," one anonymous chief executive of a retailer tells the New York Times. Stores are trying to take advantage of the momentary surge in traffic before the New Year. "With that kind of inventory, you?ve got to get rid of it. Whatever the margin is today, it?s that much lower next week and the week after."

3. The day after Christmas falls on a Monday instead of a Sunday
One reason for the uptick in shopping interest, says Fox News, is that compared with last year's big shopping day ? which fell on a Sunday, "when many people spend time with family" ? 2011's post-Christmas spree comes on a Monday. And since most offices are giving employees the day off, they have ample time to brave long return lines.

SEE MORE: The Secret Santas who are paying strangers' debts


4. People are simply postponing Christmas Day
Since more retailers are offering huge bargains on a "wider variety of items than they do in the weeks leading up to the holiday," some "cost-conscious" shoppers are waiting until after December 25th to go gift shopping, says Christina Rexrode at the Associated Press. Online spending in the days following Christmas has grown as much as 56 percent compared to previous years, and when you factor in the "the headache of shopping in the pre-Christmas madness," it's easy to understand why celebrating Christmas a little later has come to make sense.

Sources: Associated Press, Fox News,?New York Times,?TIME

SEE MORE: Jimmy Kimmel's 'Terrible Christmas Presents' prank: Mean or hilarious?


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Henderson community welcomes home Navy E-2


A big welcome home Friday for a young lady who's keeping a family tradition of service to country alive.

A roaring reception for Navy E-2 Kimberly Centers as she arrived home in Henderson.

Centers was greeted by Welcome Home Soldier members and her family.

The 19-year-old Henderson High graduate comes from an impressive family line. Her father, grand-father and great-grand-father all served in the military.

Willie Centers, Kimberly's father stated, "I am very proud of my daughter. This is the best thing possibly that could happen to her, I'm very proud of her achievements."

"I like it," says Kimberly, "It's an honor--makes me feel good doing what I do,"

Centers is home for two weeks leave before returning to duty in California.

Copyright 2011 KLTV. All rights reserved.


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The Body Speaks: Integrative Approaches - Cleary Alumni & Friends Center, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

The Body Speaks: Integrative Approaches

Event Type:Conference/Workshop
Location:Cleary Alumni & Friends Center, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Friday, January 20, 2012

4:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Continuing Education,University RSS (Upcoming Events on homepage)


Continuing Education

(608) 785-6504

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Organization/Department:UWL Continuing Ed & Extension

The Body Speaks: Are We Listening? Integrative Approaches to Wellness and Healing


?Discover the research on the physiology of stress, anxiety and depression and how mindfulness mediation is making a measurable healing impact, and the various mindfulness modalities that are available. Experience guided mindfulness meditation instruction and how mindfulness can benefit you and your clients. Leave with tools to help you tap into the potential of the present moment, and resources for further personal and professional development. Emphasis will be placed on the integrative approach which includes a psychological, health promoting, community-based approach for each client and person with whom you work. Complementary and more traditional approaches to greater well-being will be explored.?


NOTE: Also occurs January 21, 2012; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

[OOC] The Disappearance Of Wolves

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Wolves are disappearing because of people who test chemicals on them and kill them.

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AMD Radeon HD 7970

The perpetual war for supremacy between AMD and Nvidia constantly leaves enthusiasts dodging shrapnel: When you want the best video card you can afford, why buy one now instead of waiting for the better one the competing chipset designer will undoubtedly release in a few months? This leaves reviewers in a tough spot, too, as we're constantly proclaiming that nearly every new card is the fastest ever. But because you can only live in the world you live in, we're obliged to go there. So, here goes once again: The just-released AMD Radeon HD 7970 ($549 list) is the latest fastest and most feature-rich single-GPU card ever, surpassing our previous Editors' Choice winner, the Nvidia GeForce GTX 580.

Though we have little doubt that Nvidia will yank back that title with its next generation of cards, the 7970 is an impressive achievement for the moment.? (It's?rumored to become widely available by early January of?2012.)? The inaugural member of the Southern Islands family, it utilizes a fresh architecture AMD refers to as "Graphics Core Next." Based on a new 28nm process technology and utilizing more than 4.3 billion transistors, Graphics Core Next uses a revised instruction set architecture, gives each compute unit the ability to simultaneously execute instructions from multiple kernels, and delivers an increased number of instructions per clock cycle per square millimeter of GPU space. The result, so AMD claims, is "designed for high utilization, high throughput, and multitasking."

We'll examine how well the 7970 achieves those goals in due time, but first we should look more deeply at what the card offers on a component level. The maxed-out new Southern Islands GPU (the 7900 series, code-named "Tahiti") can contain up to 32 compute units (CUs) supported by two geometry engines and rasterizers (one of each for every collection of 16 CUs), one L2 cache up to 768KB, four render back-ends (offering 32 color ROPs per clock and 128 Z/stencil ROPs per clock), and a 384-bit GDDR5 memory interface with bandwidth up to 264GBps. Cards in the 7900 series can also make full use of the newest and speediest PCI Express (PCIe) 3.0 x16 bus interface.

AMD didn't stop with just internal developments. The company promises that the Southern Islands cards will offer improved cooling and acoustics, by way of a new sixth-generation vapor chamber and a wider fan with new blades that are capable of wicking away more heat than before. Power issues have received plenty of attention as well, with PowerTune technology for intelligent monitoring of energy usage on an application-by-application basis when the proper electrical and thermal headroom are available.

Also new is ZeroCore Power Technology, which shuts down the GPU and turns off the fan during long idle states, for a reduction in idle power usage of up to 95 percent. According to AMD, this delivers additional benefits in CrossFireX configurations: Secondary GPUs are always in the ZeroCore Power state when they're not in use, with the primary GPU joining them during long idle periods, thus saving even more power in systems that traditionally suck it up with party-animal abandon.

Like all of the company's video cards, those in the 7900 series support?DirectX 11 (and it's posed for?DX11.1 when Windows 8?comes around)?the full range of AMD's proprietary technologies. Eyefinity is back, but with a twist: Though it still makes for an easy way to run multiple monitors, the 7970 is the first card capable of driving three stereoscopic 3D displays by itself using new monitors that support DisplayPort 3D; the 7900 series isn't even limited to a single audio stream, but can out multiple independent streams at once. Other new Eyefinity features introduced with the Catalyst 11.10 driver update include new monitor configurations (5-by-1 landscape and portrait), full support for setups using multiple 1,920-by-1,200 and 2,560-by-1,600 monitors, and flexible bezel compensation.

If the 7970 sounds beefy from a spec standpoint, it is indeed. The card's 250-watt TDP hasn't changed from the 6970, but almost everything else has been dialed up. The card is driven by an astonishing 2,048 stream processors and has a 925MHz engine clock; AMD estimates the card delivers 3.79 teraflops of compute performance. Thirty-two ROPs and 128 Z/stencils max out the GPU's capability. Memory has been packed on, too, with the 7970 housing a remarkable 3GB of GDDR5, twice what the GTX 580 carries; the bandwidth is the aforementioned 264GBps, the memory clock runs at 1,375MHz, and the overall data rate is 5.5Gbps. (The last two specs are not increases over those of AMD's last-generation top single-GPU card, the Radeon HD 6970, for what it's worth.)

Video outputs are a strong collection as well, with two Mini DisplayPort jacks (supporting the DisplayPort 1.2 standard), one HDMI 1.4a port, and one dual-link DVI port. The last is beginning to look mighty legacy, as both the Mini DisplayPort and HDMI ports are now capable of driving the 4K displays that are almost certainly coming in the next generation or so. (AMD touts its cards as being the first on the market to support this new hardware.) And there is again a switch that lets you return to the factory settings any time you want, so you can overclock to your heart's content safe in the knowledge it will be tough to do any permanent damage.

Positive as all this is, the typical downsides to such a powerful card are here as well.? You will need to run two additional cables from your power supply (one eight-pin, one six-pin), and the card's oversize fan?heat sink unit means it blocks an adjacent expansion slot. But because the card is of a reasonable length (11 inches), these are minor annoyances well in keeping with video cards this high up in the enthusiast spectrum.

What does all this mean in terms of gaming performance? A lot. In our testing (on a system set up using an Asus P9X79 Deluxe motherboard running the Intel Core i7-3960X CPU) we saw some significant jumps over both AMD's own 6970 and Nvidia's GTX 580. The 7970's overall 3DMark 11 score was 2,734, an 861-point increase over what we saw from the 6970 (1,873) and 619 points higher than what the GTX 580 earned (2,115). The 7970 triumphed in almost all of our gaming benchmarks, often by large degrees, at least at 1,920 by 1,200. When we tested Aliens vs. Predator at that resolution, for example, the 7970's result of 55.1 frames per second (fps) was well ahead of the 6970's 47.2fps and the GTX 580's 43.6fps. The 7970 barely eked out a playable 31fps against the GTX 580's 27.2fps in Total War: Shogun 2 at 1,920 by 1,200, though the GTX 580 couldn't even run the game's benchmark with all the details cranked.

The 7970, it should be noted, didn't ace every test. The GTX 580 did marginally better in DiRT 3 (69.5fps versus 66.9fps) and HAWX 2 (140 versus 130), both at 1,920 by 1200. And a lot of the 7970's impressive leads dropped at 2,560 by 1,600, with only about 7fps separating the cards at Aliens vs. Predator (34.7fps versus 27.5fps), 1fps at DiRT 3 (47.7fps versus 46.7fps, the 7970 winning the competition here it couldn't quite at 1,920 by 1,200), and 12fps in Just Cause 2 (40.6fps versus 28.6fps, as compared with the wider gap between 60fps and 36.8fps for that game we saw at 1,920 by 1,200). And looked at beside either AMD's or Nvidia's more expensive?dual-GPU gaming cards, the Radeon HD 6990 and the GeForce GTX 590 respectively, the 7970 looks like small performance potatoes. (Though, for the record, the GTX 590 couldn't run Total War: Shogun 2 at 2,560 by 1,600.)

Where the 7970 really distinguished itself was in terms of power usage. AMD's efforts in this regard really paid off, as our test bed was able to idle at an impressive minimum of 99.8 watts; that's less than we saw with either the 6970 (107.8) or the GTX 580 (117.3). But when running under full graphics load the 7970's full-system power draw rose to only 245.9 watts?again, this is below the results we got from both the 6970 (249.8 watts) and the GTX 580 (264.6 watts), and the 7970 gives you the most polygon-pushing power.

So, folks, it's that time again to declare a new Editors' Choice and a new "sensibly priced" (as opposed to the dual-GPU models, anyway) enthusiast video card. No matter what game you want to play or, within reason, what resolution you want to play it at, this is the one-GPU card that will excel most at the job best. Its price may still be steep, and you may be able to find GTX 580 cards on the market for less (around $500), but if full-tilt gaming without compromises?is what you crave, you won't be able?to do better than the AMD Radeon HD 7970. At least for a while.

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